
Marcus Rose 

Distorted Reality 

Marcus was born into an arts inspired family and worked from an early age. Later study in Australia and France refined his work.  Buildings of diverse character are key subjects - urban landscapes, highly stylised as well as figures and repeating themes. Bubble like virtual reality spaces create a lively dynamic, juxtaposed with an historical narrative.

Marcus’ distorted reality work is derived  from photomontage. Straight line cuts of image, together with aspherical distortion are re-created on canvas in a high realistic style. The distortions create perspectives  similar to those produced as if viewing the subject in a curved mirror. Marcus explains that this view is inspired by the work of Op Artist Victor Vasarely (Vásárhelyi Győző). This is  Op-art redefined. Marcus says: “The distortion of the real world as if through a looking glass inspires the viewer to see reality as artifice.

“I am inspired by the traditions of both abstraction and impressionism. This leads me to express the otherwise solid as not, the otherwise real as not”. Marcus works principally in oil on linen canvas and digital pen.